
🔥Full Stack PERN X Clone with Next js 13 App Router, PostgreSQL, React js (Last Part)

🔥Full Stack PERN X Clone with Next js 13 App Router, PostgreSQL, React js (Last Part)

In this video, we’re going to be covering the Full Stack PERN X Clone with Next js 13 App Router PostgreSQL, Reactjs. Next js is a web development framework that makes it easy to build user interfaces with React.

GitHub Code for half part stick around for the next part (give it a star ⭐): https://github.com/developerarif55/next-js-13-X-twitter–clone

Design and layout inspired by: code with Antonio
We’ll be building a simple clone of the Twitter application using Next js and the App Router. This will be a great demonstration of how Next js makes it easy to build user interfaces with React and how the App Router can help you create scalable web applications.
00:00 – follow first part
00:10 – edit profile
12:40 – add follow and unfollow
53:00 – add home post feed
01:24:00 – show a single post for each user
01:57:30 – add like and dislike
02:34:30 – get a single post
02:56:00 – post comment
#nextjs #SWA #reactjs

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