
Dedicated Smesher + Dedicated Node Spacemesh Setup – Node Setup – Part 3/4

Dedicated Smesher + Dedicated Node Spacemesh Setup – Node Setup – Part 3/4

This is part 3 of 4 where I walk through every step required to run a dedicated smesher and then move the files to a low power node to mine. This is specifically for Linux + Nvidia users.

# Install Dependencies
sudo apt install unzip tmux libpocl2 -y

# Make Directory
mkdir go-spacemesh

# Move to Directory
cd go-spacemesh

# Download
# https://github.com/spacemeshos/go-spacemesh/releases
wget [latest release]

# Unzip
unzip Linux.zip

cd Linux

# Move all files up a directory
mv ./* ../

# Remove zip and extra directory
rm -r Linux.zip Linux/

# Download Configs
wget https://configs.spacemesh.network/config.mainnet.json

# Start Node
~/go-spacemesh/go-spacemesh –listen /ip4/ –config ./config.mainnet.json -d ./sm_data

# Run Node and then Run
grpcurl –plaintext -d “{}” localhost:9092 spacemesh.v1.ActivationService.Highest

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