
top go interview questions and answers | | Best Golang Interview Questions 2023

top go interview questions and answers | | Best Golang Interview Questions 2023

top go interview questions, Golang Interview Questions
This Golang Interview Questions and Answers video includes frequently asked Interview questions that give you an idea to crack your Golang interview . These Interview questions will help you to brush up your knowledge in Golang. This video series is designed for both beginners and professionals who want to prepare for an Golang Interview.

Github Link: https://github.com/RohitBinjola/GolangInterviewQuestions/blob/main/main_2.go

Link for the complete go interview questions tutorial/series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ6pHHPq5Drlqjan-hkiii3i9Ff46Zv3M

This session covers below go interview questions:
1. What is a struct in golang ?
2. Explain Methods and functions in Golang ?
3. Explain If GoLang is fast?
4. How can we declare the multiple types of variables in a single code line in Golang?
5. What are built-in supports in Golang?
6. What is slice in Golang?
7. What are the decision-making statements in Golang?
8. What is the GoPATH variable in Golang?
9. What is the GoROOT variable in Golang?
10. What is GOBIN variable in golang?

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