
ChatGPT Assisted 2023: The Ultimate DigitalOcean, Nginx, PHP, MySQL & HTTPS Setup Guide

ChatGPT Assisted 2023: The Ultimate DigitalOcean, Nginx, PHP, MySQL & HTTPS Setup Guide

DigitalOcean Setup: An in-depth walkthrough on initializing and configuring your Droplet.
Nginx Installation: Step-by-step instructions on getting Nginx up and running smoothly.
PHP 7.4 & MySQL 8 Integration: seamlessly connect PHP and MySQL to create a robust backend for your applications.
HTTPS Configuration: Using certbot dependency to enable SSL/HTTPS setup.
GitHub Repository Cloning: I’ll also be sharing a practical guide on how I cloned the necessary repository from GitHub to kickstart this setup. This will give you a hands-on example and perhaps save you some time in getting started.
Github repo: github.com/eugensunic/ppisforlife

00:00 Introduction – Overview of the tutorial’s content.
01:17 Droplet Deployment – Creating and configuring your DigitalOcean droplet.
03:18 Nginx & Repo Cloning – Setting up Nginx and cloning the GitHub repository.
06:51 PHP v7.4 Installation – Walkthrough of the PHP installation process.
07:46 MySQL v8 Setup – In-depth guide on installing and configuring MySQL v8.
13:40 DNS Configuration – Setting up your DNS to point to your droplet.
16:03 HTTPS Configuration – Securing your site with SSL/HTTPS.

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