Uploading, Reading and Displaying Excel File using ASP .Net Core

Uploading, Reading and Displaying Excel File using ASP .Net Core

Uploading, Reading and Displaying Excel File using ASP .Net Core

Uploading, Reading and Displaying Excel File using ASP .Net Core

0:00 – Introduction
0:16 – Create Project
1:22 – Create a View
4:46 – Upload File
7:52 – Read Excel File
10:12 – Displaying Data in View
12:08 – no data is available for encoding 1252. for information on defining a custom encoding, see the documentation for the encoding.registerprovider method
13:09 – Final output



I have used ASP .Net Core 7 to read and display Excel File using ExcelDataReader nuget package. ExcelDataReader provide 2 methods to read excel file.

Contains solution for “no data is available for encoding 1252. for information on defining a custom encoding, see the documentation for the encoding.registerprovider method.”