
Write JSON code to style SharePoint Fields with Chat GPT! 🤖

Write JSON code to style SharePoint Fields with Chat GPT! 🤖

Welcome to our video tutorial on writing JSON code for SharePoint using Chat GPT! In this video, we’ll guide you through the process of customizing SharePoint columns with JSON formatting, all with the assistance of Chat GPT, a powerful language model.

JSON formatting allows you to enhance the visual presentation of your SharePoint lists and libraries, making them more dynamic and informative. In this tutorial, we’ll specifically focus on using JSON to customize columns in SharePoint.

We’ll start by explaining the basics of JSON formatting and how it works in SharePoint. Then, we’ll dive into a practical example of customizing a choice column named “Priority.” We’ll demonstrate how to apply conditional formatting to change the background color or text color based on the choice value. Additionally, we’ll showcase how to include icons or other visual elements based on the column’s values.

Throughout the tutorial, Chat GPT will assist us by providing clear explanations, code snippets, and helpful tips. Whether you’re a SharePoint beginner or an experienced user, this tutorial will equip you with the knowledge and skills to leverage JSON formatting effectively in SharePoint.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your SharePoint experience with custom JSON code! Join us in this informative video tutorial and take your SharePoint customization to the next level with Chat GPT.

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