Best usdt mining site VIP1 recharges 10USDT and earns 1.8USDT every day

Best usdt mining site VIP1 recharges 10USDT and earns 1.8USDT every day

Best usdt mining site VIP1 recharges 10USDT and earns 1.8USDT every day

Platform registration invitation link:
Official Telegram channel:

The minimum withdrawal amount is 1USDT, and you can only withdraw once a day.
Tasks are updated at 00:00 UK time.

VIP0 earns 0.1 USDT every day without recharging
VIP1 recharges 10USDT and earns 1.8USDT every day
VIP2 recharge 60USDT daily income 10.8USDT
VIP3 recharge 170USDT daily income 30.6USDT
VIP4 recharge 400USDT daily income 72USDT
VIP5 recharge 900USDT daily income 162USDT
VIP6 recharge 2000USDT daily income 360USDT
VIP7 recharge 6000USDT daily income 1080USDT
VIP8 recharge 15000USDT daily income 2700USDT
VIP9 recharge 30000USDT daily income 5400USDT

Three-level team benefits: recharge commission/profit commission
A-level teams can get 8% recharge commission after recharging. A commission of 7% of the member’s profit is charged every day.
B-level teams can get a 3% recharge commission after recharging. A commission of 2% of the member’s profit is charged every day.
The C-level team can get a 2% recharge commission after recharging. A commission of 1% of the member’s profit is charged every day.

For example: You invite member A, member A is promoted to vip6 and recharges 2000 USDT, you can get double commission: first: get 160 USDT recharge commission, second: also get 7% of the member’s daily task profit. The daily profit income of members is 360USDT, and 25.2USDT can be obtained every day. The more team members, the more daily commissions.

Platform registration invitation link:

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