Lamborghini Sian Roadster with Golden Maple Paintjob | Nvidia 4090 | Intel 13700K | 4K

Lamborghini Sian Roadster with Golden Maple Paintjob | Nvidia 4090 | Intel 13700K | 4K

Lamborghini Sian Roadster with Golden Maple Paintjob | Nvidia 4090 | Intel 13700K | 4K

Lamborghini Sian Roadster 2020 in Forza Horizon 5, played on Nvidia RTX 4090 graphics card and Intel 13700K processor in 4K Extreme preset. Applied paint job named Golden Maple representing lush green forest shining in golden sunrays (you can download this paint design created by me by searching GoldenMaple, 😀 )

Gameplay was recorded using Shadowplay and converted into av1 before uploading to youtube using following command

ffmpeg -i “.LamboSianRoadsterGoldenMaple_hevc.mp4” -filter:v fps=60 -acodec:a copy -movflags +faststart -vcodec:v av1_nvenc -b:v 84M -g:v 60 -bf:v 2 -preset:v p5 -tune:v hq -rc:v vbr -multipass:v 1 -rc-lookahead:v 32 -b_ref_mode:v 2 -aud:v 1 “.LamboSianRoadsterGoldenMaple_hevc-av1.mkv”