
How to Install latest XAMPP on Win 10 or 11 – and use it for CRUD Android Application

How to Install latest XAMPP on Win 10 or 11 – and use it for CRUD Android Application

How to Install latest XAMPP on Win 10 or 11 – and use it for CRUD Android application
XAMPP is a very easy to install Apache Distribution for Linux, Solaris, Windows, and Mac OS X. The package includes the Apache web server, MySQL, PHP, Perl, a FTP server and phpMyAdmin.

In this video you will find a step by setp tutorial:
1. How to install the latest version of XAMPP for WIndows 11 or Windows 10.
2. How to Install API script for the Android CRUD application in the following video:
“Delphi Android FMX -API CRUD Mysql at localhost & hosting server using tFDMemTable”
3. Source code and database download, please refer to the above video description: https://youtu.be/VVXN8ify4ww

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