
Part 2: Learn Kotlin and Android Development in 20 Hours

Part 2: Learn Kotlin and Android Development in 20 Hours

You can get the rest of the course from here: https://www.udemy.com/course/kotlin-masterclass-learn-kotlin-from-zero-to-advanced/?referralCode=EAB498FC62AF9500D30A

📱 What is Kotlin and Why Choose it for Android Development?
In this video, we’ll kick off our journey by introducing you to Kotlin, the modern and expressive programming language that has taken the Android development community by storm. We’ll explore its key features and showcase why Kotlin is the preferred language for building Android apps, enhancing productivity, and ensuring code safety.

🚀 Building a Strong Foundation: Android Fundamentals
To become a skilled Android developer, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamental concepts of Android development. We’ll guide you through the essential components like activities, fragments, layouts, and intents. Our step-by-step explanations and hands-on examples will set you on the right path to success.

💡 Unlocking the Power of Kotlin: Advanced Concepts
Get ready to unleash the full potential of Kotlin as we dive into more advanced concepts. We’ll explore Kotlin extensions, lambdas, higher-order functions, and more, empowering you to write clean, concise, and efficient code that will make your apps stand out in the crowd.

🛠️ Building Real-World Apps: Practical Projects
Theory alone won’t make you a proficient Android developer. That’s why we’ve included exciting real-world app projects to put your newfound knowledge into practice. From simple to complex applications, you’ll learn how to implement various features and functionalities, taking your skills to the next level.

⚙️ Mastering Android Studio: Your Development Environment
Android Studio is the official IDE for Android development, and we’ll show you how to make the most of it. Learn essential tips, tricks, and shortcuts to enhance your coding workflow, making app development a breeze.

📚 Learning Resources and Best Practices
As you progress through the course, we’ll provide you with a curated list of additional learning resources and best practices. We want you to stay informed about the latest trends and updates in the Android ecosystem and keep refining your skills even after completing the course.

🏆 Become an Android Developer in 20 Hours: Achieve Your Dream
Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to embark on a rewarding career in Android development. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned programmer looking to transition into app development, this crash course will make your journey smooth and enjoyable.

🔥 Join our community of aspiring Android developers, and let’s make your dream of mastering Android app development a reality. Hit that play button and let’s get started!

#AndroidDevelopment #Kotlin #AppDevelopment #AndroidApps #MobileDevelopment #CrashCourse #LearnIn20Hours

Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share this video with your fellow aspiring developers. Happy coding! 🤖🚀

0:00:00 List, Set, Map
0:16:49 Mapping
0:28:41 Zipping and Association
0:43:47 Flatten
0:53:41 String Representation
1:04:43 Filtering
1:23:17 Test preifactes – any(), none(), all()
1:25:53 Plus and Minus Operators
1:29:09 Grouping
1:34:04 Retrieve Collections parts
1:54:10 Retreieve Single Elements
1:58:52 Aggregate Operations – sum(), count(), average(), minOrNull(), maxOrNull()
2:03:46 Comparable and Comparator
2:31:06 Binary Search
2:45:29 Generics – Type Paramenters and Casting
3:01:52 Generics 2
3:13:18 Generics – Covariance and Contravariance
3:25:48 Generics – Type Erasure and reifeid keyword
3:38:40 Generics – Where keyword; and 2 Upper Bounds
3:46:14 Access Modifiers
4:02:43 Packages and Imports
4:14:28 Exceptions – Try Catch, Finally
4:23:54 Lambda Functions
4:42:33 Lambdas – it modifier
4:46:20 Scope Functions
5:10:21 Download Android Studio
5:14:30 Android Studio Presentation
5:30:32 Android File Structure
5:37:50 Android XML and Design
5:46:55 Android XML properties
5:49:55 Android – what is does findViewById() function?
5:57:26 String XML
6:01:00 Android Manifest
6:08:14 Android Button and TextView
6:16:05 Android Button OnClickListener
6:25:21 Android EditText
6:36:51 Android App – Convert Inches
6:49:34 Android App – Convert Inches 2
7:00:06 Android App – Change Color
7:11:52 Android Radio Buttons 1
7:19:58 Android Radio Buttons 2
7:28:37 Android SeekBar
7:46:17 Android Toggle Button
7:52:14 Quiz App – UI Welcome Screen
8:09:30 Quiz App – Creating Question Model
8:29:23 Quiz App – Setting the QuizActivity
8:42:03 Quiz App – Adding the Button functionality
8:58:47 Quizz App – Selecting the Right and Wrong answers
9:13:25 Quiz App – Setting up the UI for ResultActivity
9:17:28 Quiz App – Improve Code
9:19:49 Quiz App – Sending data to Result Activity
9:36:04 Quiz App – Solve score bug

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