#AgOpenGPS (DIY), Basic UDP #Panda, #Teensy 4.1, Ardusimple, BNO, PCB assembly and configuration

#AgOpenGPS (DIY), Basic UDP #Panda, #Teensy 4.1, Ardusimple, BNO, PCB assembly and configuration

#AgOpenGPS (DIY),   Basic UDP #Panda,   #Teensy 4.1, Ardusimple, BNO, PCB assembly and configuration

#AgopenGPS basic #Panda solution in UDP from previous USB* version
included #configuration #udp

Made with Arduino Shield and wire to make the connexion
IMU is Chinese BNO , Teensy 4.1 , Ardusimple F9P
Add ethernet connector

00:03 fix and weld the ethernet port
00:21 programm the teensy
00:42 program the F9P**
01:19 assembing
01:34 plug and test
01:50 AgOpenGps & Agio

* previous USB version video

** better to use config file store here
http://www.aogwiki.fr/doku.php?id=tuto_configuration .