NodeJS Helm Chart Deploy on EKS using GitHub Actions | Helm Chart Deploy on EKS using GitHub Actions

NodeJS Helm Chart Deploy on EKS using GitHub Actions | Helm Chart Deploy on EKS using GitHub Actions

NodeJS Helm Chart Deploy on EKS using GitHub Actions | Helm Chart Deploy on EKS using GitHub Actions

In this Video we are going to cover Helm Chart Deploy on EKS using GitHub Actions | Helm Chart Deploy on EKS using GitHub Actions | deploy helm chart to kubernetes using github actions
#helm #helmchart #nodejs #githubactions #eks #awseks #aws #kubernetes
0:00 Create node.js code
4:00 create dockerfile
8:00 Build and run Node.js docker image
16:00 Run Docker image on browser if it is running
24:00 push node.js code and docker push github repo
26:00 create github action workflow to build and push docker image to ECR
28:00 Run github action workflow – output: docker image push ECR
30:00 on EKS cluster install helm
32:00 Create node-app helm chart
34:00 helm files and folder structure
36:00 modify values.yaml, deployment.yaml and service.yaml
40:00 push node-app folder to github repo
42:00 add stage in GHA workflow deploy node-app helm chart on EKS
44:00 helm install nodeapp ./node-app
46:00 check pods, deployment and service on EKS
48:00 acccess nodejs app using LoadBalancer

Please find github repo and article NodeJS Helm Chart Deploy on AWS EKS using GitHub Actions

Helm Chart Deploy on EKS using GitHub Actions | Helm Chart Deploy on EKS using GitHub Actions | deploy helm chart to kubernetes using github actions
#helm #helmchart #nodejs #githubactions #eks #awseks #aws #kubernetes