
Connect & Query Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server using .NET | Use C# to Connect and Query

Connect & Query Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server using .NET | Use C# to Connect and Query

An Azure account with an active subscription.

If you don’t have an Azure subscription, create an Azure free account before you begin. With an Azure free account, you can now try Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server for free for 12 months. For more information, see Try Flexible Server for free.

Create an Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server using Azure portal
or Azure CLI if you do not have one.

Based on whether you are using public or private access, complete ONE of the actions below to enable connectivity.

Create a database and non-admin user

Install the .NET SDK for your platform (Windows, Ubuntu Linux, or macOS) for your platform.

Use the code given in video to connect and load the data by using CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO SQL statements. The code uses the methods of the MySqlConnection class:

OpenAsync() to establish a connection to MySQL.
CreateCommand(), sets the CommandText property
ExecuteNonQueryAsync() to run the database commands.

Detailed link with demo steps: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/mysql/flexible-server/connect-csharp

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