How To Set Up Google Search Console? | Google Webmaster Tools | Part 1 | Eduonix

How To Set Up Google Search Console? | Google Webmaster Tools | Part 1 | Eduonix

How  To Set Up Google Search Console? | Google Webmaster Tools | Part 1 | Eduonix

Google Search Console formerly known as Google Webmaster Tool is a free set of tools that helps website owners, webmasters or internet marketers to learn about a website in a google search index. It includes things like how people find your website, whether they are using it on mobile or computer. It also helps you to find and fix the errors on your website. Moreover, you can also link your GWT account to adwords to get a glance of paid vs. organic keywords. This tutorial contains:
1) Setting up your google webmaster tools account
2)Overview of google webmaster tools account
3) Managing your settings and preferences

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