
System Tools – Setting up Linux Shell on Windows with WSL, HyperJS and OhMyZsh

System Tools – Setting up Linux Shell on Windows with WSL, HyperJS and OhMyZsh

This is the first episode on a segment on setting up System Tools and Applications on your machine. This episode covers the following:
– Setting up and configuring ubuntu terminal on Windows machine
– Setting up and configuring Hyper JS
– Setting up and configuring Oh My Zsh and PowerLevel10K Theme

Script to install Oh My Zsh on windows: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dyordsabuzo/miscellany/main/tools/omz-p10k-ubuntu-setup.sh

– Oh My Zsh: https://ohmyz.sh/
– PowerLevel10K Theme: https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k
– HyperJS: https://hyper.is/

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