
DNS – Domain Name System in Computer Networks

DNS – Domain Name System in Computer Networks

DNS – Domain Name System in Computer Networks is explained with the following timecodes:

0:00 – DNS – Domain Name System – Computer Network
1:18 – Basics of DNS
8:33 – Classifications of DNS
9:49 – Hierarchical Access to Domain Name
13:16 – DNS Database Organization
15:05 – DNS Entry
15:38 – Address Resolution using the Iterative Method in DNS
18:08 – Address Resolution using the Recursive Method in DNS

The following points are covered in this video:
0. Computer Network
1. Application Layer
2. DNS – Domain Name System
3. Basics of DNS
4. Classifications of DNS
5. Hierarchical Access to Domain Name
6. DNS Database Organization
7. DNS Entry
8. Address Resolution using the Iterative Method in DNS
9. Address Resolution using the Recursive Method in DNS

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#DNS #DomainNameSystem #ApplicationLayerProtocols #ApplicationLayer #ComputerNetwork #EngineeringFunda

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a fundamental protocol in computer networks that translates human-readable domain names into their corresponding IP addresses. It acts as a distributed and hierarchical naming system, making it easier for users to access resources on the internet without needing to remember complex IP addresses.

When you enter a domain name (e.g., www.example.com) into your web browser, the DNS is responsible for resolving that domain name to the associated IP address of the server hosting the website. Here’s how the DNS works:

1. Domain Hierarchy: The DNS hierarchy is organized into a tree-like structure, where the root domain is at the top, followed by top-level domains (TLDs), second-level domains (SLDs), and subdomains. Each domain is separated by dots (e.g., com, example, www).

2. Name Servers: The DNS system is distributed across various name servers. Each domain name is associated with authoritative name servers responsible for storing and managing the IP address records of the domain.

3. DNS Resolution: When a user enters a domain name into their web browser, their computer first checks its local DNS cache to see if the corresponding IP address is already stored there. If not found, the computer sends a DNS query to a recursive resolver (usually provided by the user’s Internet Service Provider – ISP).

4. Recursive Resolver: The recursive resolver is a specialized DNS server responsible for locating the authoritative name servers for the requested domain. It starts by querying the root DNS servers to find the TLD’s authoritative name servers.

5. TLD Name Servers: The root DNS servers respond to the recursive resolver with the IP addresses of the TLD’s authoritative name servers (e.g., .com TLD’s name servers).

6. Authoritative Name Servers: The recursive resolver then queries the TLD’s authoritative name servers to obtain the IP addresses of the domain’s authoritative name servers (e.g., example.com’s name servers).

7. Domain’s Authoritative Name Servers: Finally, the recursive resolver queries the authoritative name servers of the domain (e.g., example.com) to get the specific IP address associated with the requested domain name (e.g., www.example.com).

8. DNS Response: The recursive resolver receives the IP address from the domain’s authoritative name servers and caches it for future use. It sends the IP address back to the user’s computer, allowing the web browser to connect to the appropriate web server hosting the requested website.

DNS is crucial for the functioning of the internet, as it enables users to access websites, send emails, and perform various other network activities using easy-to-remember domain names rather than dealing with complex numerical IP addresses.

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