Switching from MySQL/Percona to MariaDB

Switching from MySQL/Percona to MariaDB

Switching from MySQL/Percona to MariaDB

Are you considering moving from MySQL/Percona to MariaDB? Join this session to better understand why switching from MySQL/Percona to MariaDB may be right for you. This session covers key features of MariaDB including extensive JSON support, the various methods for switching over to MariaDB Community or Enterprise Server, and ways to use the MariaDB Migration Assessment Tool to analyze an existing MySQL schema to ensure compatibility while migrating to MariaDB.
►Slides: https://mariadb.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/OpenWorks-2023-Switching-From-MySQL-and-Percona-to-MariaDB-Pramod-Mahto.pdf
►SkySQL Sign up: https://skysql.cloud/3XufnDi

Table of Contents
0:39 Agenda
1:54 When and Why Switch
3:14 JSON Support in MariaDB
4:00 Migration methodology
5:19 Migration Steps at a glance
6:15 mySQL 5.7 to MariaDB 10.6 migration demo
19:46 Online Migration Assessment Tool

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