
Advanced Golang CLI App with Cobra | Personalized Custom Flags Tutorial IN HINDI

Advanced Golang CLI App with Cobra | Personalized Custom Flags Tutorial IN HINDI

Dive into the world of advanced Golang programming as we craft a sophisticated command-line application using Cobra, the ultimate CLI framework. Join us in this hands-on tutorial where we’ll construct a feature-rich “greet” tool. Learn how to unleash the power of subcommands, introduce dynamic flags, and implement personalized greetings. With Cobra’s flexibility and our guidance, you’ll master creating interactive command-line apps that adapt to user preferences. Elevate your Golang skills today and embark on the journey to crafting robust, user-friendly CLI tools.

Arrays intro:- https://youtu.be/72JokcZ6XrY
Loops in golang:- https://youtu.be/NkmneXZ08fo
Pointers of golang:- https://youtu.be/3QZM7n4J12M
Strings and String literals:- https://youtu.be/tKn7p8ms3JA
Variables and Constants :- https://youtu.be/aJh0tVRGr4c
Maps and interfaces:- https://youtu.be/EC9OxRG5jNk
Conditional Statements:- https://youtu.be/aJh0tVRGr4c
Keywords in golang:- https://youtu.be/YlP1TVuLoCc
Functions in golang :- https://youtu.be/RRXyTGZ0uOg
Variadic functions:- https://youtu.be/Z0h5nTbjlQE
Structs in golang:- https://youtu.be/Dn41lVMhoTg
Concurrency vs parallelism :- https://youtu.be/hN9eDZNZAm4
Goroutines in golang :- https://youtu.be/5vzc1N7ei-4
Channels in golang :- https://youtu.be/iq-oUROs1no
Bidirectional and Unidirectional channels:- https://youtu.be/8dCfB5zYtc4

Interview Questions and interesting facts:-
1. Golang 1.20:- https://youtube.com/shorts/yW4ZdwEdSwE?feature=share
2. Garbage Collector in golang :- https://youtube.com/shorts/262bs4K1D00?feature=share
3. Golang is static typed or dynamic typed:- https://youtube.com/shorts/HUsHxbUcHHE?feature=share
4. FallThrough in golang :- https://youtube.com/shorts/TvzTMNyjpVE?feature=share

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