
Installing Kali Nethunter in Android #kali

Installing Kali Nethunter in Android #kali

In this video, I’ll guide you through the steps for successfully installing Kali Nethunter on your Android device without the need for rooting! 📲💻

Step-by-step installation process:

1. Install Termux from this website: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux/

2. Open Termux and update its package list: `apt update && apt upgrade -y`.

3. Install the required package: `pkg install wget -y`.

4. Grant storage permission: `termux-setup-storage`.

5. Download the Nethunter installer package: `wget -O install-nethunter-termux https://offs.ec/2MceZWr`.

6. Make the installer executable: `chmod +x install-nethunter-termux`.

7. Run the installer script: `./install-nethunter-termux`.

8. Choose option 01 for the full version of Kali Nethunter during installation.

9. Wait patiently for the installation to complete.

10. Install bVNC, a secure open-source VNC client, from this link: https://store.nethunter.com/en/packages/com.offsec.nethunter.kex/

11. Open Termux and set up your Nethunter password by typing: `nethunter kex passwd`.

12. Access the Kali Nethunter shell using `nh` or `nethunter`.

13. For GUI support, type: `nh kex &` to connect VNC.

14. Open the bVNC application and enter the password you previously set.

Enjoy the powerful features of Kali Nethunter in Termux! Remember, rooting your device may be required for some functionalities, but we can use rootless options as well. 🔒🔓

#KaliNethunter #Termux #AndroidHacking #EthicalHacking #kalinethunterx

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