
50+ JavaScript Practice Exercises || Beginners to Advanced

50+ JavaScript Practice Exercises || Beginners to Advanced

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:23 Print”Hello, World!”
00:03:51 Print the numbers using the loop
00:09:34 function to add two numbers and return the result
00:11:59 function to calculate the area of a rectangle
00:15:16 function returns the reversed version string
00:17:45 function that checks if a number is even or odd
00:20:15 checks if a given year is a leap year
00:26:20 Sum of all elements in an array
00:33:37 Create an object and add a method
00:36:52 Change the text of a paragraph on a webpage
00:41:07 Create a button dynamically and add it to the webpage
00:44:01 displayed an alert when the button clicked
00:48:03 calculates the factorial
00:56:12 random number between a given range
01:00:05 returns a new array of even numbers
01:03:11 Use `map()` to double all the elements
01:06:44 Find the largest element using reduce()
01:12:40 Remove all occurrences of a specific element
01:15:45 Display the current date and time
01:17:48 try-catch block to handle an error of API fetch
01:21:06 recursive function find factorial
01:26:44 recursive function finds the nth Fibonacci number
01:31:10 counter function using closures that increments
01:35:56 Implement a private variable using closures
01:41:30 Add method to Product Prototype
01:50:24 makes multiple API calls using callbacks
01:58:27 Rewrite using Promises
02:03:32 Promises to load multiple images
02:12:18 Rewrite using Async/Await
02:17:07 Fetch data from an API and handle errors
02:21:50 Image gallery dynamically
02:26:28 form validation
02:32:06 Bubbling and capturing
02:36:11 Click event on a parent element (bubbling)
02:41:10 countdown timer
02:49:23 quote-changing
02:53:43 Regular expression to validate an email
02:59:31 Print a 2d array and reverse it
03:08:22 Destructure an object
03:11:42 class representing a Book add method too
03:17:08 extends the `Book` class with the issue
03:22:22 Prototypal Inheritance exercise
03:27:26 Oddish or Evenish
03:32:13 Reverse words with odd length
03:39:08 takes an array of objects and return the total price
03:43:08 Return “Boom!”
03:46:30 1s and 0s
03:53:48 Vowels or consonants
04:01:20 returns the number of days in the month
04:05:22 Return the fraction in string format


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In Short, Let’s Work for Changes and Break the matrix.


JavaScript Full Course: https://youtu.be/SQJlPWipKGE
JavaScript Full Course: https://youtu.be/M9yqQMbEuj4

#javascript #javascriptprogramming #js

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