
The Future of Identity in Web3.0: A Panel Discussion | Dojima Network at hack: DiD

The Future of Identity in Web3.0: A Panel Discussion | Dojima Network at hack: DiD

Web3.0 is the next generation of the internet, and it is built on the principles of decentralization and transparency. One of the key challenges of Web3.0 is identity. In Web2.0, our identities are controlled by centralized platforms, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter. This means that these platforms have a lot of power over our data and our online experiences.

In Web3.0, we need to develop new ways to manage our identities in a decentralized way. This is where self-sovereign identity (SSI) comes in. SSI is a way to control our own identities and data, without relying on centralized platforms.

In this panel discussion, Great minds including Dojima Network will discuss the importance of identity in Web3.0. We will explore the challenges of identity in Web2.0 and how SSI can help us to solve these challenges. We will also discuss the future of identity in Web3.0.

Our panelists are experts in the field of identity and Web3.0. They will share their insights and perspectives on the importance of identity in Web3.0.

Dojima Network, in partnership with Hypersign, has been conducting a lot of workshops recently; this panel happened in one of those workshops in Bangalore.


Website: https://www.dojima.network/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dojimanetwork
Discord: https://t.co/8d9hk0BTs2
Telegram: https://bit.ly/DOJTELEGRAM
LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dojimanetwork/

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#DojimaNetwork #Hackathon #dApp #CrossChain #Blockchain #blockchaintechnology #web3

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