
Learn Web3 programming and how to build dapps on the Internet Computer (preview)

Learn Web3 programming and how to build dapps on the Internet Computer (preview)

Get the Complete Web Development Bootcamp here:

***Module 1: Web3 Decentralised App (DApp) Development with the Internet Computer***

00:00:00 What is Web3?
00:07:38 How does the Blockchain actually work?
00:33:54 What are Apps (Decentralised Apps) and how do you develop them?
00:43:12 What is the Internet Computer (ICP)?
00:52:24 [Mac Users] Installation and Setup for Web3 Development
00:59:42 [Windows Users] Installation and Setup for Web3 Development

***Module 2: Build Your First Defi (Decentralised Finance) DApp – DBANK***

01:12:48 What you will build – DBANK (Inspired by Compound)
01:15:00 Introduction to the Motoko Language
01:28:06 Motoko Functions and the Candid User Interface
01:44:05 Motoko Conditionals and Type Annotations
01:50:00 Query vs. Update Methods
01:58:17 Orthogonal Persistence
02:06:14 Tracking Time and Calculating Compound Interest
02:24:20 Adding HTML and CSS to Create the Frontend for DBANK
02:31:50 Connecting the Motoko Backend to our JS Frontend

***Lesson Resources***

*[Mac Users] Installation and Setup for Web3 Development


*[Windows Users] Installation and Setup for Web3 Development


*Adding HTML and CSS to Create the Frontend for DBANK


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