Responsive Dynamic Pricing Table – PHP, MySQL and Vue JS

Responsive Dynamic Pricing Table – PHP, MySQL and Vue JS

Responsive Dynamic Pricing Table - PHP, MySQL and Vue JS

Responsive Dynamic Pricing Table – PHP, MySQL and Vue JS

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Pricing table in a website is used to give your users an idea how much you charge for your services. In this article, we are going to teach you, how you can create a dynamic pricing table using PHP, MySQL and Vue JS. The pricing table is created in bootstrap so it will be mobile responsive.

From admin panel, we will create multiple pricing tables and their data will be stored in MySQL database. On user side, the data will be fetched from database and displayed to the user using Vue JS.

Pricing tables are basically packages offered in different prices so users can pick the one they find convenient. We will be using PHP as a server side language, MySQL to store the pricing table data in database. And Vue JS to render the HTML.