
Mappers in C# Every .Net Developer Must Know About!

Mappers in C# Every .Net Developer Must Know About!

#coding #codingbootcamp #softwaredeveloper


GitHub Repo: https://github.com/slthomason/StartupHakk/blob/main/56_CSharp_Mappers/Program.cs

1. Inline Object to Object Mapper
2. Reflection
3. AutoMapper
4. TinyMapper
5. Mapster
6. ValueInjecter
7. FastMapper

When choosing an object to object mapper for C#, developers have several options to consider. The performance analysis shows that for small object graphs, the Inline O2O mapper is the fastest, followed closely by FastMapper. For larger and more complex object graphs, code-generation-based mappers like TinyMapper and FastMapper may be more performant. Reflection-based mappers like AutoMapper and ValueInjecter are easy to configure, but may not be the most performant option for larger object graphs. Ultimately, the best choice depends on the size and complexity of the object graph and specific performance requirements.

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