
U.D.P. Says, “No Accounting for Concert Using Tax Funds!”

U.D.P. Says, “No Accounting for Concert Using Tax Funds!”

Visit youtube.com/gbtvfeed for the live stream of the entire newscast, or visit www.channel5belize.com for a text transcript.

The second annual Belize International Music and Food Festival was held over the weekend here in Belize City. The two-day event featuring a laundry list of Belizean and international artists drew massive numbers. Nonetheless, the opposition is not the least bit convinced that the Belize Tourism Board is being transparent regarding its expenditure on this year’s festivity. On Saturday, the United Democratic Party issued a press release demanding an external audit of funds allocated to the festival for the last two years. Among the questions being asked is how much money was deposited into the Belize Tourism Board’s bank account after last year’s festival. Likewise, the U.D.P. is asking how much was spent on this year’s event. .

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