
Overflow and Underflow in Integer Data Type | C Programming

Overflow and Underflow in Integer Data Type | C Programming

The range of numbers an Integer can represent is

-2^(n-1) to 2^(n-1)-1

here n is the size of an Integer variable in bits which depends on the compiler. For example if n=32 bits (4 Bytes) then the range of integers we can store is -2147483648 to 2147483647.

If we try to store -2147483649 which is less than -2147483648 then the condition is called as Underflow.

If we try to store 2147483648 which is more than 2147483647 then the condition is called as Overflow.

How does C compiler handle these situations of Underflow and Overflow ?

Lets check this out…….

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