
Alleged links between VBS bank and EFF

Alleged links between VBS bank and EFF

The EFF is expected to hold a news conference Tuesday in which they will officially respond to allegations that its Deputy President Floyd Shivambu allegedly received 10 million allegedly from his brother Brian Shivambu, in the VBS Mutual Bank Scandal.
According to a report entitled The Great Bank Heist released last Wednesday by Advocate Terry Motau, in which R2 billion was lost through corruption and fraud.
Brian Shivambu allegedly pocketed 16 million.
The Shivambu brothers have denied the allegations.
Various companies, businessmen, ANC officials and the VhaVenda King were allegedly given millions by VBS Mutual Bank executives.
VhaVenda King Tony Ramabulana says he will return 17 million rand that was given to him.
Joining us is Political Analyst Prince Mashele.

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