Migrate Oracle to AWS RDS in one Shell Script | Migrate Oracle to AWS RDS 19c | Database Migration

Migrate Oracle to AWS RDS in one Shell Script | Migrate Oracle to AWS RDS 19c | Database Migration

Migrate Oracle to AWS RDS in one Shell Script | Migrate Oracle to AWS RDS 19c | Database Migration

Migrate Oracle to AWS RDS in one Shell Script | Migrate Oracle to AWS RDS 19c | Database Migration

In this video I will show you how to migrate on-prem 12c database to aws rds 19c database.
We will be using s3 bucket to upload data pump dump files and download from s3 into rds data_pump_dir. We can also upgrade 12c database to aws rds 19c

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00:00 Introduction
00:45 Creating AWS RDS instance
04:20 Connect AWS RDS from SQLPLUs
05:31 Attach S3 bucket integration role to RDS