
Airflow Hooks S3 PostgreSQL: Airflow Tutorial P13

Airflow Hooks S3 PostgreSQL: Airflow Tutorial P13

Airflow Hooks S3 PostgreSQL: Airflow Tutorial P13

#Airflow #AirflowTutorial #Coder2j

========== VIDEO CONTENT 📚 ==========
Today I am going to show you how to use hooks to query data from Postgres DB, then upload it to the AWS S3 Bucket. By watching this video, you will know:
👉 What is the Airflow hook
👉 How to use the hook to query data from DB
👉 How to use the hook to upload a file into S3
👉 How to keep your project folder clean by NamedTemporaryFile

Video Request: https://forms.gle/UMp4GA3krcSMMWzy9

========== L I N K S 🔗 ==========
Airflow Documentation 👉 https://bit.ly/3wbTqv4
Orders.csv 👉 https://github.com/coder2j/airflow-docker/blob/main/data/Orders.csv

========== T I M E S T A M P ⏰ ==========
00:00 – Load csv into Postgresql DB
02:23 – PostgreSQL hooks – query data
09:00 – Dynamic SQL query with Airflow maros
11:44 – AWS S3 hooks – upload local file into S3
15:45 – Keep project folder clean by Namedtemporaryfile

========== Connect with me 👏 ==========
Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/Coder2j
Website 👉 https://coder2j.com
GitHub 👉 https://github.com/coder2j

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