
Maximum Running Time of N Computers | JavaScript Coding Challenge with Binary Search Leetcode 2141.

Maximum Running Time of N Computers | JavaScript Coding Challenge with Binary Search Leetcode 2141.

Welcome to this exciting JavaScript coding challenge where we tackle the problem of maximizing the running time of multiple computers using a set of batteries. We’ll be utilizing the powerful binary search algorithm to solve this problem in a unique and efficient way.

In this problem, we’re given n computers and a number of batteries, each capable of running a computer for a certain number of minutes. Our goal is to make all n computers run simultaneously for as long as possible. The twist? We can swap batteries between computers any number of times and it takes no time. However, batteries can’t be recharged. Sounds challenging, right?

Join me as I walk through the problem, explain the approach, and code the solution live in JavaScript. Whether you’re preparing for a coding interview, or just love a good programming challenge, this video is for you. Don’t forget to hit the like button and subscribe for more coding challenges, tips, and tutorials!

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