Python Django 40 Hrs Project Training

Python Django 40 Hrs Project Training

Python Django  40 Hrs Project Training

Course Objectives:
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Understand the architecture and design principles of the Django framework.
Create and configure a new Django project.
Build and manage Django applications, models, views, and templates.
Implement user authentication and authorization mechanisms.
Work with databases using Django’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapping).
Handle static files and media uploads in a Django project.
Develop RESTful APIs using Django Rest Framework (DRF).
Deploy the Django application to a web server.
Course Outline:
The course will cover the following topics in a structured manner:

Introduction to Django

Understanding web frameworks and Django’s advantages
Setting up a development environment
Django Basics

Creating a new Django project and app
Understanding the project structure
Configuring settings and URLs
Models and Databases

Defining data models using Django’s ORM
Working with queries and database operations
Database migrations and version control
Views and Templates

Creating views to handle HTTP requests
Using templates to generate dynamic content
Template inheritance and context data
User Authentication and Authorization

Implementing user registration and login functionality
Managing user access with permissions and groups
Static Files and Media Handling

Handling CSS, JS, and image files
Managing user-uploaded media files
Django Rest Framework (DRF)

Building RESTful APIs for the web application
Serializers and handling API requests
Authentication and permissions for APIs

Preparing the application for deployment
Deploying the Django app on a web server (e.g., using Apache or Nginx)
Database and media file configuration for deployment
Project Work

Putting it all together to create a complete web application
Implementing additional features and functionalities
Q&A and Troubleshooting

Addressing common issues and debugging techniques
Reviewing best practices and optimization tips

Special Thanks to chatgpt, Gogole meet , Vs code and Python Django.