
[KTB_017] : Why JavaScript Sucks In 52 Seconds

[KTB_017] : Why JavaScript Sucks In 52 Seconds

SOURCE CODE : www.github.com/KanjiCoder/KTB
KTB : Kanji_Tilemap_Base

Notes On Video #17 :
Javascript has a lot of the same drawbacks of C code, without the power of C code. What do I mean by that? Both C99 and JavaScript(JS) allow you do really stupid things WITHOUT THROWING A COMPILER WARNING. The difference with C99 is that those stupid things __COULD__ be smart things, the compiler is just trusting you know what your doing. Meanwhile the STUPID THINGS you do in JavaScript 90% of the time are ALWAYS MISTAKES. Spelled a property name wrong in JavaScript? JS don’t see a problem, C99 would. Called a function with too many arguments ? JS don’t see a problem. C99 would. Cast a random block of memory to a certain object type? Questionable, but C99 trusts you. JavaScript? Javascript doesn’t even know what a “cast” is.

What Is The “KTB” project ?

A WebGL2 JavaScript library that allows you to sketch out rendering code ideas for tilemaps quickly and effectively. I do a lot of bit-packing of data into 32-bit integers encoded within pixels. These pixels store tile data. There are many fun and interesting ways you can interpret the bits of a 32-bit number for interesting rendering effects. Games like minecraft simply map integers to tile types, but you can get MORE INTERESTING RESULTS if you think of the 32-bits as instructions and data.

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