
Lviv JavaClub [Event 280] Indexing database by Michael Kami

Lviv JavaClub [Event 280] Indexing database by Michael Kami

Review indexing can enhance the performance of your database and improve overall system efficiency
by Michael Kami Java Software Engineer @ Levi9 Ukraine https://github.com/PalmsGolf
Links: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/indexes.html

Event details: https://www.javaclub.lviv.ua/2023/07/03/Event-280-Indexing-database.html

00:00 – intro
00:25 Overview of creating indexes
04:30 Comparing of Get DB record when using/not using indexes (#btree)
08:00 Comparing of Update DB record when using/not using indexes (btree)
13:30 #GIN index
25:00 Brief overview of #BRIN, #GiST
27:50 Q&A
37:38 – join us #javaclub

Follow #javaclub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbBzU09lr8FLFaTMbXY4zBQ
Web site: https://javaclub.lviv.ua/
GitHub: https://github.com/lvivJavaClub

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