VB.NET: THESIS/Senior Project – Drag & Drop Class Scheduling System

VB.NET: THESIS/Senior Project – Drag & Drop Class Scheduling System

VB.NET: THESIS/Senior Project - Drag & Drop Class Scheduling System

This is the thesis project that I (code) and my partner (documentation) created..
It is a Drag and Drop Scheduling that detects automatically conflicts..
It uses SAP Crystal Report for printing.. Metro UI Framework.. and Calendar Control..

Calendar Control : https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/38699/A-Professional-Calendar-Agenda-View-That-You-Will

/** Demo Application **/
1. (app) – https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxhTdOW-EkoXa2p4amN3NnZSYlk/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-Cav7hxdv8XCs_quK5KyXZw
2. (database) – https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxhTdOW-EkoXOGRMNzE2S1VmV2s/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-BPrcCOt4Axu2QDKAvqA91g

/** How to use Demo **/
1. create a database classschedule
2. import classschedule database
3. (username) – registrar
4. (password) – registrar1!
5. it seems that there is a problem running this application on other version of windows.. just test it.. tnx.

/** Source Code **/
1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxhTdOW-EkoXLUN6YmphUGZYaVk/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-x742gvnq2Y12TyPrpHsXzg
2. tested on vb.net 2010