
Coding With Input Elements In A C Program #cprogramminglanguage #cprogrammingintamil #cprogramming

Coding With Input Elements In A C Program #cprogramminglanguage #cprogrammingintamil #cprogramming

​ @swasthik-srisyscomp
Coding With Input Elements In A C Program
Input elements are useg to get input data from the user during execution of the program(runtime). The input functions popularly used are scanf, getch() and getchar() .
The definitions of these functions are present in the conio.h header file which is linked at the end of compilation.

00:00 Introduction
08:56 forming control string according to type of data
18:57 simple C program to get integer data
34:41 simple C program to get character data
38:54 simple C program to get string data

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