
Upload Unity Project on Github | Version Control | Unity Project Collaboration in 2023

Upload Unity Project on Github | Version Control | Unity Project Collaboration in 2023

GitHub is a popular platform for version control and collaboration on software development projects, and it can certainly be useful for Unity projects as well. With GitHub, you can track changes to your code over time, collaborate with others on your project, and manage different versions or branches of your code.

Uploading your Unity project to GitHub is a good way to ensure that your code is backed up and accessible from anywhere, as well as to share your work with others. By using different branches, you can work on different features or versions of your project in parallel, without interfering with each other’s work. And by collaborating with others through GitHub, you can get feedback and help with your project, as well as contribute to other people’s projects.

Overall, using GitHub for version control and collaboration can help make your Unity project more organized, efficient, and accessible to others.

In this video, I have demonstrated how you can upload your existing Unity project into a Github. Also, you can learn how to work with different branches using GitHub Desktop and collaborate with others for your project. It can also be useful for Version Control of your project.

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