
Be Here Now Network 7th Anniversary Fundraiser

Be Here Now Network 7th Anniversary Fundraiser

Seven years ago, the Be Here Now Network was founded at the request of Ram Dass. Our mission is to bring together the legacy of Ram Dass with future generations of teachers and thought leaders in the space of consciousness, mindfulness, meditation, and spiritual practice.

With your support, we now host a vast network of over 18 podcasts ranging from a broad spectrum of topics that look at the world and its current events from a perspective of mindfulness and spirituality.

To celebrate the anniversary, we are launching a 77-day fundraising drive featuring, a chance to win a free LSRF retreat in Maui this December for you and a friend! All details are here: https://beherenownetwork.com/giveaway

To kick things off, we would like you to join us for a special 1-hour live stream event on Wednesday, July 26th at 8pm ET.


Make sure not to miss a single video podcast from Be Here Now Network! Click here to Subscribe:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc1lvEoC5PZWm-MzgUfJQfg .

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