
MySQL Community Server 8.0 Installation on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

MySQL Community Server 8.0 Installation on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

In this video we are going to see how to install MySQL 8.0.11 Community Server in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS from Zip Archive file.
Befor installing MySQL 8, two library files libaio and libnuma are installed which is required by MySQL.
Then video covers mysql initialization, start mysql daemon, alter user password, running basic SQL queries and shutdown mysql instance.
At the End of this video you can able to install and configure MySQL 8 of your own on Ubuntu 18.04 Operating System.
Installation Method : Offline. MySQL Community Edition tar.gz file for linux downloaded from mysql website.
MySQL 8.0 features are:
MySQL Document Store
Transactional Data Dictionary
SQL Roles
Default to utf8mb4
Common Table Expressions
Window Functions and more..

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