
Integrating MongoDB with Node.js || 15 DAYS of BACKEND DEVELOPMENT || GeeksforGeek Development

Integrating MongoDB with Node.js || 15 DAYS of BACKEND DEVELOPMENT || GeeksforGeek Development

💻🌐 In this exciting session, we’ll explore the seamless integration of MongoDB with Node.js, unleashing the power of combining these two technologies. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of connecting to MongoDB from a Node.js application and gain hands-on experience in performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using the MongoDB driver.

Working with collections and documents is a vital part of MongoDB development, and we’ll guide you through the process. Gain a deep understanding of how to manipulate and interact with collections and documents, ensuring the smooth flow of data within your application. Discover the best practices and techniques for data modeling in MongoDB, enabling you to design a robust and scalable data schema.

🔴 Check out the entire playlist where we will cover the important Backend Technologies of MERN Stack ie. Node.JS, Express & MongoDB: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG5KvF1OpdCXNmKRLDkdz9e3OOFcGyzrJ


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