
Bash Shell Scripting Advanced Tutorial – Top 10 Bash Commands

Bash Shell Scripting Advanced Tutorial – Top 10 Bash Commands

In this video you will learn Advanced Bash Commands. This video will cover the most popular and useful bash commands to manipulate files and automate tasks. We will go over commands like sed, pipes, grap, awk, echo, cat and regex expressions

By watching this video you should gain basic knowledge over Bash, you should be able to navigate around directories, manipulate files, search for content and create basic automated scripts that can be executed in the CLI.

Bash is a Unix shell and command language. Written by Brain Fox as a free alternative to the Bourne Shell.
The Shell is basically the command line. You type commands into a terminal window which then in return are executed.
Terminals, command lines or consoles, allow us to accomplish and automate tasks on a computer without the use of a graphical user interface or GUI.

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