
Setting up an SFTP Server on Windows (Server) with OpenSSH (using Microsoft's port of OpenSSH)

Setting up an SFTP Server on Windows (Server) with OpenSSH (using Microsoft's port of OpenSSH)

Often times we’ll need to integrate two systems by transferring CSV files between them. The de facto file transfer protocol in this case is SFTP. When we are on Unix based systems the choice of SFTP servers is a no brainer – OpenSSH. However, until recently, on Windows we didn’t have the option of using OpenSSH (except for maybe using Cygwin). That changed when Microsoft ported OpenSSH to windows.

In this video, I want to show you how to setup an SFTP server on Windows using OpenSSH.

Microsoft’s port of OpenSSH can be found at:

Text based instructions for setting up OpenSSH can be found here:

The steps in this video have been tested on Windows Server 2016. The instructions for Windows 10 will different slightly e.g. in opening up the firewall. Consult the text based instructions for more details.

NOTE: If you’re getting “Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)” errors have a look a my follow up video where I explain how you can go about troubleshooting this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBiQXkknubc

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