Introduction to Numerical Computing with the Perl Data Language (PDL) – Zaki Mughal – TPRC 2023

Introduction to Numerical Computing with the Perl Data Language (PDL) – Zaki Mughal – TPRC 2023

Introduction to Numerical Computing with the Perl Data Language (PDL) - Zaki Mughal - TPRC 2023

#perl #tprc #pdl #numerical #computing

High performance numerical computing has long been the domain of languages like Fortran, C, and C++ — it still is, but that does not mean you have to use those languages directly. With the Perl Data Language (PDL), you can access the wide world of libraries for doing numerical computing and other tasks such as image processing by writing Perl. A single function call can replace an explicit loop over an array of numerical data — bringing your analysis to a higher level of abstraction.

We are going to be slicing, dicing, and plotting our way through several tasks in various domains from image processing to data science.

This talk is for you if you have never heard of PDL before or have heard of PDL, but are unsure what you can use it for.