
Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise: What's new for app development | Azure Friday

Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise: What's new for app development | Azure Friday

Sean Noyes, Senior Cloud Solutions Architect from Redis, joins Scott Hanselman to discuss the latest advancements in Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise. Developers can enhance their applications with efficient index searching and global backups for cached data, all while reducing costs. Learn more about these new capabilities, including Active-Active, Persistence & CMK, Reserved Pricing, and RedisJSON.

00:00 – Introduction
02:00 – Quick tour of what’s new
06:22 – Scale and cache types
09:46 – Discussion of all things Redis
15:58 – Wrap-up

■ Azure Cache for Redis – https://aka.ms/azfr/752/01
■ Use Redis modules with Azure Cache for Redis – https://aka.ms/azfr/752/02
■ Azure Cache for Redis Documentation – https://aka.ms/azfr/752/03
■ Azure Cache for Redis pricing – https://aka.ms/azfr/752/04
■ Create a Pay-as-You-Go account (Azure) – https://aka.ms/azfr/752/payg
■ Create a free account (Azure) – https://aka.ms/azfr/752/free

*Connect with us:*
■ Scott Hanselman | @SHanselman – https://twitter.com/SHanselman
■ Azure Friday | @AzureFriday – https://twitter.com/AzureFriday
■ Azure | @Azure – https://twitter.com/Azure

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