
🔴 Python Pulse | GitHub Extensions Show and Tell

🔴 Python Pulse | GitHub Extensions Show and Tell

We will look at how to keep focus on our code while working with GitHub by utilizing their extensions in VS Code. We can get help from copilot, we choose our issues and manage PRs, and we check our deployment statuses, all while not leaving our editor.

00:00 Countdown
01:31 Welcome to The Python Pulse
03:35 Announcements
07:52 Visual Studio Code Insiders Profile
09:57 GitHub Extensions with Jay
14:00 CookieCutter Demo
28:08 GitHub Actions Demo
54:05 Connect with Jay
59:20 Wrap

Community Links:
Stream Notes https://aka.ms/PythonPulse/Ep/8/StreamNotes
Visual Studio Code for the Web https://aka.ms/pythonpulse/ep/8/profile
Insiders Profile https://aka.ms/pythonpulse/ep/8/insiders-profile
Peacock Extension https://aka.ms/InstallPeacock
Jay’s Profile https://aka.ms/JaysProfile

Watch on-demand https://aka.ms/python-pulse-playlist


Featuring: Jay Miller (@kjaymiller), Dawn Wages (@BajoranEngineer)

#python #vscode #github #copilot

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