
Get Free Domain and Hosting for WordPress Website & Make eCommerce Website in 2 Minutes

Get Free Domain and Hosting for WordPress Website & Make eCommerce Website in 2 Minutes

Get free hosting with unlimited space and bandwidth. Get free domain and connect it to free hosting. Its free wordpress hosting that allows you to build ecommerce website. I have shared tutorials on how to get free domain and how to get free unlimited web hosting. Few guests were able to get the free domain and unlimited web hosting. But they could not connect free domain to free hosting. In this tutorial I will show you how can you get free domain, get free hosting and connect free domain to free hosting.

If you want free domain and free hosting, you will have to take care of certain things. In this process there are nameservers involved. New domain and hosting take a time to be available across network. And you need to follow certain steps in a certain order. So this tutorial will clear everything and you will be able to get a free domain and a free unlimited web hosting easily.

At the end we will will create ecommerce website using wordpress and woocommerce on free domain and hosting. No space limit, no bandwidth limit everything unlimited and for free for lifetime.

To get free domain name, go to freenom. Search for your domain name. Use nameservers as specified in video. We have got a free domain name. But it’s not connected to a web hosting. Let’s have a free unlimited web hosting. Go to profreehost website. Register there and use ‘custom domain’ in website settings. Enter custom domain that we created at freenom. Make sure to use nameservers specified here at freenom in domain settings. Wait for few minutes. It takes time for nameservers to be propagated across internet. Go to whatsmydns website to verify that nameservers have propagated across globe or not. Make sure records have been propagated across network and site is available everywhere.

Go to control panel, install wordpress using apps installer. Install woocommerce and elementor to make ecommerce website. Install Astra theme. Select demo ecommerce website from demo websites of Astra theme and install with all data. And ecommerce website will be live in minutes on a free domain and a free web hosting. You can edit any page or product visually and easily
because its using elementor page builder and wordpress. So this is how you can get a free domain and unlimited web hosting and make ecommerce website easily and quickly.

Do I recommend it free domain and free hosting. Yes! If you are a student, if you want to create a portfolio website, if you want a demo or staging website, if you want to try out wordpress, if you want to try out ecommerce site, if you are learning wordpress or ecommerce, if you want a free blog, then this is an absolute gift for you. Free and unlimited. You can start here for free, if your site becomes successful, you can migrate your website to a reliable and paid hosting. You can do that anytime. There are plugins that allow one click migration from one host to another. Files, database everything is migrated smoothly without any issue. So no risk here.

🔥 How to Get Free Domain Name
🔥 Unlimited Free Hosting for Lifetime | How to Get Free WordPress Hosting?
🔥 Unlimited Free Web Hosting with cPanel, PHP & Databases | Free WordPress Web Hosting
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