NET Core 7 Full Course . Lesson 1 . Installation

NET Core 7 Full Course . Lesson 1 . Installation

NET Core 7 Full Course . Lesson 1 . Installation

Learn ASP.NET Core 7
In this lesson I will explain what is ASP.NET Core 7, Visual Studio installation, backend server start, server types and server execution,
ASP.NET Core 7 support for web developments like Razer, Pages, NVC, VBPI, SignalR and
other. I’ll explain net core 7 is cloud-ready and is well suited for cloud environments,
offers built-in integration with popular cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure and
supports containerization technologies like Docker, IIS, Apache HTTP server, NGNX, Kestrel, net core 7 MVC, IIS Express, dotnet 7, dotnet documantation
ASP.NET Core 7 Full Course.