
What's new in Kotlin 1.9.0

What's new in Kotlin 1.9.0

Kotlin 1.9.0 stabilizes several language features, including data objects, the ‘entries’ property for Enum classes, secondary constructors for inline value classes, and the “range until” operator. A list of classes and functions in the standard library is also marked as stable. There are a lot of changes in Kotlin/Native: a new memory allocator, fixed invocation of the deallocation hooks for Swift and Objective-C, and reworked library linkage. Also, the release comes with essential changes for Android target support in Kotlin Multiplatform.

0:00 Introduction
0:26 K2 for Kotlin Multiplatform projects
1:29 Language updates
4:56 Standard library updates
11:39 Kotlin/Native
16:32 Android target support in Kotlin Multiplatform

Data objects https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovAqcwFhEGc
“Range until” operator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0AHdAIBnbs
Library linkage in Kotlin/Native https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERHMsRvIQPQ&t=1s

Kotlin’s documentation about data objects: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/object-declarations.html#data-objects
Kotlin Multiplatform: A new Android source set layout https://kotlinlang.org/docs/whatsnew18.html#kotlin-multiplatform-a-new-android-source-set-layout

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