
AWS SAA – Module 5 – Challenge Lab: Migrating a Database to Amazon RDS – Pratap Sharma

AWS SAA – Module 5 – Challenge Lab: Migrating a Database to Amazon RDS – Pratap Sharma

Module 5 – Challenge Lab: Migrating a Database to Amazon RDS

Lab Overview and Objectives:
The objective of this lab is to migrate data from a database hosted on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance to Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). Specifically, you will be migrating a MariaDB database from an EC2 instance to an RDS instance. Additionally, you will update a café web application to use the new RDS database for storing all future orders.

By the end of this lab, you will be able to:
– Create an Amazon RDS database instance.
– Export data from a MariaDB database using mysqldump.
– Connect a SQL client to an Amazon RDS database.
– Migrate data from a MariaDB database hosted on an EC2 instance to an – Amazon RDS instance.
– Configure a web application to use the new Amazon RDS database instance for data storage.

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Copyright © Pratap Sharma All Rights Reserved

#AmazonRDS #DatabaseMigration #MariaDB #AmazonEC2 #mysqldump #SQLClient #WebApplication #DataMigration #CloudComputing #AWS

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