
Mastering Linux Shell Scripting: Select,While & Until

Mastering Linux Shell Scripting: Select,While & Until

In this video, we will be discussing three important looping constructs in bash scripting: ‘select’, ‘while’, and ‘until’.

‘Select’ is a looping construct that allows you to create a simple menu system in your script. It works by displaying a list of options and prompting the user to make a selection. The selected option is then stored in a variable for further processing.

‘While’ is a looping construct that allows you to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a certain condition is true. The condition is tested before each iteration of the loop.

‘Until’ is similar to ‘while’, but the loop will continue to execute as long as the condition is false. Once the condition becomes true, the loop will exit.

It’s important to note that both ‘while’ and ‘until’ loops can become infinite loops if the condition is always true or false, respectively. To prevent this, it is best to include a counter or some other mechanism to ensure that the loop will eventually exit.

In this video, we will demonstrate the use of these three looping constructs with examples and explain when each one should be used.

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