[NEW] – MongoDB Connection GUIDE || Discord.js v14

[NEW] – MongoDB Connection GUIDE || Discord.js v14

[NEW] - MongoDB Connection GUIDE || Discord.js v14

This is how you can use mongodb in your discord bot project! Learn how to connect, setup, and use mongodb in this video. If you need help, join the server below.

🡺 https://www.mongodb.com/atlas/database

Invite my bots!:
🡺 https://top.gg/bot/977594345756688384 (ESKI)

🡺 https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=986762502455033916&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands (SERVER MANAGER)

Slash Command Package:
🡺 https://youtu.be/OgIfnYDa5_Q

Join my discord (HELP SERVER):
🡺 https://discord.gg/E6AJ7eNrsd